We ship items outside of Canada only to members of the League!
The shipping costs shown automatically at check-out are ONLY for delivery to Canadian addresses. If you require shipping to the US or overseas, please email to domsec@sympatico.ca the delivery address and item/s to be ordered BEFORE you use this form. We will then advise you of the additional postage which you can add as a Fighting Fund "donation" to complete your order without delay.In joining/renewing you understand that the League will be sending you regular emails to inform you of our work, concerns, and sales opportunities.
The Fighting Fund encourages League growth.
To purchase tickets for a League event (ONLY if advertised through a Dominion email) describe event in Event Description
box. If various price levels of tickets available, specify in same box (eg, 2 regular and 2 patron tickets), then ignore Quantity
box and simply put total price in Amount