The Monarchist League of Canada is happy to place you on its mailing list for a six-month free trial membership at no cost or obligation.
You will receive Canadian Monarchist News, the League’s periodical. If you live in an area where there is a League branch, you will receive notices of its activities and events, many of which are held without charge.
At the end of six months, you will receive a card inviting you to renew your membership—at which point you are free to do so, or simply to write cancel
on the card. (You can also renew online!) We know that you’ll understand that this special offer must be limited to residents of Canada.
Email the League to request a trial membership. Please be sure to include your name and complete postal address, so that we may send you a welcome packet as soon as possible. Any trial membership must be requested by the individual who wishes to join the League; they are not available as gifts.
We look forward to receiving your request!
You are also welcome to join the League as a paid member, or to renew your membership, normally renewable annually on date of first application. In either case, please use our online store to purchase or renew a membership.
By joining the Monarchist League, whether as a paid or trial member, you give permission for us to communicate with you by e-mail.
The League uses regular e-mail updates to let members know of issues requiring your action, public events, and League activities of interest, online polls in which you might like to participate and special sales offers throughout our League store.
While of course you always have the right to ask for your name to be removed from the electronic list, its use allows the League to be as effective as it is. There are many cases where we cannot afford or do not have the personel to send physical mailings
We can assure you: we do not send spam!